The Mission Statement of the MDN Edify Future School Electronic City articulates the school’s approach in achieving the highest standards as it seeks to fulfill its vision.

• To create an environment conducive to success: The school respects the individual needs of young minds and their desire to succeed. We foster an empathetic, creative and student-centric learning environment. The atmosphere we nurture is one of cooperation, respectful of individual differences and community values.

• To provide education that fosters a world-view and a life-long desire for learning: We work within the framework of an integrated curriculum, one that is inquiry-based and experiential with transdisciplinary units. The school hones students in intellectual, artistic and athletic expression. Our delivery strategies are development-appropriate and reach out to different learning styles.

• To groom students to be confident, creative builders of their future: The school community is committed to nurturing students who are resilient and adaptable, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and disposition to continue their education and become personally fulfilled, interdependent, socially responsible adults.



Empower young minds for global citizenship through progressive education.