
Mr. Ashok KM Gowda

President Speak

Kamala Muniyappa education trust is a non-profit, charitable and registered under Indian Trust Act and made Anekal its centre of work.

The primary goal of the Trust is to provide quality education to the children with no bar on their caste, religion or gender. Till date, through its Edify Ecity school the Trust has provided education to hundreds of children at subsidized, affordable rate and even free to the needy.

The Trust also aims to pursue literary and cultural projects, workshops and training programmes. It also aims at managing and executing social service projects.

The trust started Edify school Ecity, affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi in the year 2014 with 67 students and presently has 650 +students hailing from different areas around ecity.

Upgrade to grade11 is proposed for AY 2022-23 to give quality science education to the students. The College has 20+ students registered from all parts of ecity.


The School produced quality result in the Board exam conducted by CBSE. The school has the credit of producing 100% quality result in the district.

The institutions not only stand as result producing industries, Instead known for their ‘Holistic approach” where they successfully balance both academics and coscholastic activities .

The energetic environment of the campus has provided scope for the well rounded personality development of students.

The stress free and joyful learning environment has resulted in creating healthy citizens of tomorrow.

The human values and life skills have been inculcated in the students through pace setting activities in a natural way.

A strong sense of ‘community bondage’ has been developed in the students through pace setting , cultural and community service activities. The computer awareness, language competency and scientific outlook have been developed


Competence Sports coaching has been arranged for our students.

Taluk and district level tournament has been conducted to encourage the upcoming players.

Taluk and district level science fair has been organized to encourage students to develop interest in basic science Well stocked library and well equipped laboratories have been set up to enable the students to update themselves.

Marathon and rallies have been organized to generate awareness among the public about the evils of the society.

The campus has been wired with internet facility and all around cctv cameras. Regular workshops have been conducted in the school related to different art forms .

Theatre activity has been a great force in the institution. Classical music and dance has also been given equal importance.

The performances of the local artist, emerging artists have been regularly arranged. There were cultural exchange programmes done with the students of other schools too.

The students have been taken to nearby places and rich in cultural resource to do survey on their life style, art forms and livelihood.

Special workshops of short duration have been arranged for the neighbouring women to empower them.


Festivals have been conducted to develop a healthy relationship between parents, teachers, students and resource persons and even to establish a link between theory and practice in teaching and to give opportunity to children.

Keeping the field of education its main area, the Trust has organized many workshops for teachers to equip them to the changing demands of the society

Edify Campus has hosted many programmes organized by government and other organizations related to science, culture, literature, environment and scout and guide.

A strong sensitivity towards environmental protection has been developed among students in planting saplings, protecting the plants and reducing waste, in association with DHARE foundation( NGO )with their involvement for environment protection.

On the whole the trust has and will continue to contribute to giving quality support and education to children in the society for a better tomorrow.